
Jose Alguera-Lara


Jose’s vision goes beyond offering exemplary taxation advice. As a purpose driven advisor he provides clients with sound commercial, management and strategic direction to help them transition into the digital business space, staying relevant whilst building a sustainable and profitable enterprise.

Jose believes all organisations face similar challenges, despite their size or industry. Decades of work with clients such as SMEs, high-net-worth individuals, and Australian subsidiaries of foreign companies in a multitude of industries including retail, construction and health has proven this. Through carefully structured training and industry memberships in accounting and business Jose is not only an expert practitioner but also a knowledge leader with access to world class best practice in the industry.

Jose is proudly part of an elite group of business professionals who have earned the right to use FCMA after their name – Fellow Chartered Management Accountants from the Chartered Institute of Management (CIMA), through demonstration of multiple years’ strategic leadership experience. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA) and a Fellow Institute of Financial Accountants (FFA). Jose completed his tax training through the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Tax Institute of Australia allowing him to become a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA). He has also completed a Diploma of Financial Planning (Dip.FP), and later added the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) designations to his list of credentials.

CFO On-Call can be contacted on 1300 362 436 or info@cfooncall.com.au

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