


Phone:1300 36 24 36

Lianne Grove

WA Partner

Lianne works with companies to create value Including: Overcoming growth challenges, strategic growth planning and forecasting, managing cash flow to achieve sustainable growth, Finance acquisition to fund growth, systemisation to handle growth, management reporting to ensure growth plans are on track, project and product costing to ensure profitability, feasibility studies to support investment, establish cash flow focussed contracts, mitigating and minimizing growth risk.

Lianne believes strongly in doing the necessary work up front to ensure the profitability of a job or project.

Some important items she has in place before contracting and commencing are:

  • A robust well supported financial model, that converts to a project forecasting and financial management tool, ensuring desired results are closely monitored and achieved
  • Cash flow considerations in tender and contractual negotiations to minimise working capital requirements
  • Risk mitigation and management strategies established to avoid costly errors project/job cost controls to avoid cost overruns and improve profitability

At an offshore construction company where Lianne previously worked all projects were cash flow neutral or positive, and all the projects exceeded bid expectations, with no major variances in forex exposure, insured risk or foreign tax regimes

Lianne has a philosophy of ‘value creation’. Two of her favourite tools for this are ‘sensitivity analysis’ and ‘scenario modelling’, which she uses before deciding on a significant purchase or business path forward. This way the most ideal pathway can be chosen and the risks can be understood upfront and managed along the way.

In assessing options for building a processing plant, she developed a financial model that determined, not only the profitability of the plant, but also ran scenarios to determine the best location and type of processing equipment for the plant. This demonstrated a difference in net present value of the project between $594m and $958m. Profitability was improved and risk reduced.

Discover the Power of an Hour with Lianne Grove


Professional Skills

Business Planning

Short/Long Term Goals

Cash-flow & Profit Improvement Planning

Expansion and/or Exit Planning

Financial Stability Planning

Costing Pricing Analysis


We are delighted to provide a testimonial for Lianne. We started our business ‘Veterinary Dermatology Specialists’ in 2020 just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. As veterinarians our main objective was to provide excellent healthcare outcomes to our patients and advice to pet-owners. When it came to understanding our business finances we knew we needed some expert advice. It is fair to say that prior to engaging with Lianne’s services, our understanding of the financial aspects of our business was limited. Since our initial meeting with Lianne she has provided patient guidance and clear explanations to demystify complex financial concepts and equipped us with the knowledge and confidence to navigate our business's fiscal landscape effectively.

Lianne’s expertise in financial modelling was instrumental in crafting a comprehensive plan for our business, guiding us to pinpoint areas where additional time and resources could be strategically invested for maximum impact. Using Lianne’s modelling we were able to determine that hiring additional nurses and veterinarians was not only financially feasible but was necessary to continue our growth trajectory.

Lianne’s meticulous construction of several tailored financial models for our business has provided a roadmap for optimal resource allocation, guiding us to invest time and resources strategically for sustainable growth. Lianne’s commitment to excellence and personalised approach has positioned her as a trusted partner in our financial journey.

We are immensely grateful for Lianne’s expertise and dedication in bridging the gap between our aspirations and financial realities. We wholeheartedly endorse Lianne to any organisation seeking to enhance their financial acumen and drive tangible results.


Drs Fiona Scholz and Sam Crothers

Directors and Veterinary Dermatology Specialists

25th May 2024