
Budget and Cash Flow Template

Managing cash flow and cash flow forecasting are two of the most difficult things to keep under control and plan for in a construction company.

Top 5 Covid 19 Survival Tactics For Business Owners

You need a ‘clear headed’ plan to cope with this situation and come out the other side intact. Obviously there will be many businesses that won’t make it, however many will come through this, if they employ a sensible survival strategy and maintain a high level of determination.

Your Step by Step Guide to Avoiding Cash Flow Crunch

The only certainty that’s emerging throughout this crisis, is that we all need to learn to live with uncertainty! Uncertainty doesn’t have to mean being unprepared. It means we need to consider several potential scenarios and be prepared to cope, as well as possible, with each. Perhaps the best place to start is with the ‘worst case scenario’, so that you can build from there to cope with the worst, best and most likely scenarios.

Top 5 Make Or Break Warning Signs

If you run a B2B services business it is likely you have spent most of your professional life building this business from the ground up. Despite the fact that you have achieved great revenues and you are typically meeting your monthly targets, you are not always seeing these results reflected in your bank account. Even worse, July comes around and your tax return states that you’ve made a profit, which means you now owe the ATO money but those funds simply don’t exist in your bank account!

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