
Our CFOs will find new opportunities in your business’s financial numbers and plan your future profits and cashflow with our exclusive financial tools.

We have two options for you:

  • The Insights Package
  • The Accelerator Package.

Do this sound familiar to you?
“I’m working really hard so why isn’t there more money in the bank” or “I need to grow the business we don’t have the money to do it”.

If so the CFO On-Call Financial Opportunity Assessment is ideal for you.

What do you get?
Cost and features of the two packages are:

Financial Opportunity Assessment
Insights Accelerator
Business Model Assessment and Optimisation
Business planning and future sounding board
Key Performance Indicators to drive results
Sales Tracking Clarity
Margin and Profit Maximisation
Overheads Minimisation
Cashflow Management Optimisation
Stock Management Optimisation
Work-in-Progress Optimisation
Finance options – best fit and cost
Systems and Processes efficiency
Bookkeeping accuracy and reporting
Business Risks identification
Workplace Health and Safety

Key Numbers Profit & Cash-flow Targeting

Using a special tool exclusive to CFO On-Call, we will highlight and flex your key numbers to show you EXACTLY where cash-flow and profit gains can be made.

Cost $595 Book Now $1,995 Book Now

Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee to show you profit and cashflow improvements way beyond the cost of our service or we will fully refund you our fee.

Insights package

With the financial opportunity assessment insights package your CFO On-Call will delve into the Known and the Un-Known financial challenges and opportunities facing your business.  This will not only be about dollars in the accounting system but how that links to the operation of your business.  This is a key difference between an accountant and a CFO On-Call.

Your CFO On-Call will seek a deep understanding of your business’s products, services, markets, and operations.

After reviewing your available business and financial numbers you’ll have a frank discussion with your CFO On-Call about what your numbers are and aren’t telling you about your business.  You’ll discuss roadblock, opportunities, quick-wins and long-term plays.

Your CFO On-Call will make specific real-life practical recommendations so you can get financial clarity and see a way forward.

The table below shows the main areas of your business your CFO On-Call will investigate.

An Insight Package will typical involve:

  1. A discovery session on Zoom between the CFO On-Call and you (and your team).
  2. You providing additional information to your CFO On-Call as requested in the discovery session.
  3. CFO On-Call undertakes a review of the information you have provided.
  4. A recommendations session on Zoom where your CFO On-Call will outline insights and recommendations. This session will be recorded and provided to you as our report.
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Accelerator Package

Knowing the challenges and opportunities facing your business and making changes happen are two different things.  The Accelerator Package provides everything in our Insights Package plus it provides a plan on where to find the biggest gains and how they will impact your business.

With our exclusive profit and cashflow targeting tool we will clearly plan your key profit and cashflow drivers.  Your accelerator plan will use you own business data (where available) and we will recommend small but realistic targets that can be measured against your future business performance numbers.

Collectively small improvements in several key drivers can add to a massive boost in both profit and cashflow.

Here is a case study

We worked with an $8 million turnover business.  By making small but achievable changes we were able to show a big overall cashflow boost of $998,000 and add $572,900 extra profit.


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