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We’re delighted to welcome Neha to the team of Virtual CFOs in Melbourne.


Neha works with companies to create value.  Including (for example):

    • Overcoming growth challenges
    • Strategic growth planning and forecasting
    • Managing Cash Flow to achieve sustainable growth
    • Finance acquisition to fund growth
    • Systemisation to handle growth
    • Management reporting to ensure growth plans are on track
    • Project and product costing to ensure profitability
    • Feasibility studies to support investment 
    • Establish cash flow focussed contracts
    • Mitigating and minimizing growth risk


Neha loves nothing better than helping an owner with a growing business take it to the next level.


There can be all kinds of issues surrounding business growth such as:

    • Cash flow problems (quite common and normal in a rapidly growing business)
    • Bookkeeper and staff not coping with business growth and how to manage them
    • Getting customers to pay on time
    • Owner getting the right business reports to guide decision making
    • Setting up the business systems to handle growth
    • Due diligence on business mergers, acquisitions and expansion plans to ensure it’s a viable and sustainable proposition


Neha has helped many businesses to grow, without compromising their existing business.  She has provided:

    • A ‘sounding board’ to discuss clients’ ideas, plans and goals
    • Numbers and costings to ensure viability of initiatives
    • Planning to implement growth and ‘change’ activities
    • Setting targets and reporting to ensure plans are on track and desired outcomes achieved
    • Help employing, guiding and managing the right bookkeeper to handle growth, ensuring profit and cash flow runs properly
    • Investigating, identifying and fixing issues that affect growth


In short Neha takes responsibility for your business numbers and financial challenges, so you can DRIVE your business and make money!


Discover the Power of an Hour with Neha Malhotra



To learn more about how Neha is helping businesses download our eBook ‘‘Managing Your Business Through Rapid Growth’