When it comes to improving a company’s bottom line, people usually think it’s all about cutting costs, acquiring new customers, boosting efficiency and increasing revenue.
Whether you want to sell your business or simply stay ahead of the curve, business owners and leaders should always be looking for strategies to enhance their organisation’s value.
Don’t risk making your business exit without an exit strategy If you’re like most business owners, you have plans to one day retire, leaving a healthy legacy for others to carry on into the future, and reap the rewards of…
If you’re thinking of exiting your business in the next few years and the sale value contributes to your retirement ‘nest egg’, it’s well worth beginning planning now to grow it.
Growth and exit might seem like unlikely bedfellows, but if you want to get maximum value for your business you need to start planning well in advance.
Costing and pricing is a key issue in tendering and quoting for work and it must be correct and commercially attractive. A common problem with how to calculate markup price is getting simple mathematics wrong.