- Business Growth

Learn How to Get Your Bank Loan Approved

What you missed at the Webinar CFO Brendan Raftery shared with the audience the benefit of his experience in helping clients to secure business loans, including the following: How to articulate your business opportunities and ensure they are realistic Your…
- Business Growth

What is a 3 Way Forecast and how can it help your business?

Many businesses have been heavily impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and have survived through the receipt of various government subsidies. These subsidies have been a welcome lifeline, but what happens to your cash flow now they’ve ended?
- Cash Flow Management and Forecasting

Small Business Cash Flow Management

 7 steps to implementing a proven small business cash flow strategy Regardless of the size or age of your SMB, understanding cash flow management strategies for small business is critical to your overall success.
- Latest News

Don’t be the ‘loser’ in a contract!

What seems like an innocuous clause in any agreement can be a ticking time bomb down the track. It’s tempting to sign up to things that sound like a great idea at the time without the benefit of a ‘crystal ball’ to see what might be a very different situation in the future.
- Business Growth

4 Tips For A Successful Business Loan Application

If you’re preparing to apply for a business loan, first ask yourself: “Would I lend the money to me?” This may seem like a weird question, but at the end of the day, this is how a lender will look…
- Cash Flow Management and Forecasting

Your Top Key Performance Indicators for Business Checklist

Business isn’t the only place for clear objectives and goals. Ask any ‘Life Coach’ and they will likely tell you, life can be greatly enhanced by having clear goals and plans to achieve them.
- Cash Flow Management and Forecasting

12 Ways To Collect Unpaid Business Bills

By Sue Hirst – Director of CFO On-Call Doesn’t it just give you the @?%&s when you’ve delivered a great job or product and customers don’t pay you on time?
- Business Growth

Business Made Easy

Running a business can be a process of juggling and keeping all the balls in the air at the same time.  For small business owners this can be an exhausting and frustrating exercise, leaving little time for strategic thinking.

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